Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Judean Hills Winery


Yesterday a group of us took advantage of the Veterans' Day  holiday and went on a trip to the Clos de Gat Winery at the foothills of the Judean Hills in the Ayalon Valley, south east of Jerusalem near Beit Shemesh.  We had a great time, the weather was cool and wet, but the sun still shined most of the time.  The wine was great. 

The vineyards are becoming dormant for the winter.  In the next few weeks they will be trimmed back severely to sleep for the winter.  The Judean Hills can be seen in the background.
Corks from the winery. 

The barrel room.  These barrels are all full !

This is a newly planted section.  It will be four years before it produces grapes that can be used for wine.

Views from the porch where we did our tasting.



1 comment:

  1. What a great trip! I love the picture of all the wine barrels!! Glad you had a nice time!!
