Tuesday, February 5, 2013


  Off to Jericho on Saturday with friends Bill and Patti to attend a barbeque at a colleagues house.  We did a side trip to see the Sycamore tree that Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus as he came thru Jericho on his way to Jerusalem. View the link.


The Sycamore Tree that Zacchaeus climbed.

The story as told in Luke 19:1-10

Patti and I
Bill and Denny standing outside the compound that houses the sycamore tree.

Mosaic with Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus ordering him down.

Jericho is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world. In the Old Testament it is referred to as "The City of Palms".  It is a Palestinian city located near the Jordan River in the West Bank. It is 846 ft below sea level in an oasis in the Wadi Qelt in the Jordan Valley. The constant sunshine, rich soil, and abundant water from the spring have always made Jericho an attractive place for settlement.

Off to the barbeque!  We had a wonderful time and the food was FABULOUS!!





Views of the mountains from the back yard.  There is a Greek monestary that you can see built into the mountain.  You get to it by cable car.  We didn't have time to go up there, but can you imagine the view from that vantage point!!!



  Look at the reflection of the beautiful sky in the plate glass window!
 Driving out of Jericho, the sun was getting low in the sky, so the desert was full of color.  We had had rain the previous 3 days, and there was green, where normally it's barren, and brown.

 Back in Jerusalem, looking over the Old City with a view of the Dome of the Rock. 

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