Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mehane Yehuda, otherwise known as The Shuk, is the largest market in Jerusalem.  We went there on Sunday and it was fabulous!  I likely wouldn't think it was so wonderful if we'd gone on a Thursday or Friday morning since it's packed on those days, but Sunday was a good day for our first time.  We had a tour first, from a longtime resident of Jerusalem.  She gave us all the tricks and tips of finding the best deals, introducing us to her favorite vendors, and showing us her favorite restaurants.  It is going to be a lot of fun to explore this place!

The produce was beautiful. The strawberries, artichokes, cherry tomatoes and garlic seemed to be the the most plentiful items available. 

Spices, spices!  Any spice in the world can be found somewhere in this market!  And all the nuts, dried fruits, sweets, etc.  
I almost started this post with, "This little piggy went to the market"!  But, as this was pretty much a kosher market, the "little piggy" was nowhere to be found!!!  There was plenty of fish, chicken, beef and lamb, though, so no worries.  
We had a nice little snack at a cafe'....toast triangles with warm camembert, nuts, and honey and a small salad.  YUM.

Something I didn't get a picture of, cause I couldn't get my camera out fast enough was a bike- sized tricycle riding thru the shuk with a robot-looking device sitting on a platform between the back 2 wheels.  It was GOOGLE MAPS!  They were filming the shuk for their "street view" application!

We finally have the internet up and running in our apartment, and I have a few more photos I'm going to post in the next day or so.  But, I would like to post 2 photos today, that are for "reader participation"!  Have fun guessing what they are, and please post your answers.....Hint:  they're both things I had to figure out for myself.  Answer in the next post!

Mahane Yehuda otherwise known as "The Shuk" is the largest market in Jerusalem.  We went there on Sunday.  Wow.  It's fabulous!  I'm sure I wouldn't say that if it had been a Thursday or Friday when the markets are packed with shoppers.  We first did a tour with a longtime resident of Jerusalem.  She showed us the tips and tricks of finding the best deals, and showing us all the great restaurants.  Then we went back thru and did our shopping.  You can find nearly anything at the shuk.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hi All,  I'm having a bunch of trouble with my internet connection, so I'll make this posting short and sweet until I get this sorted out!

Here is a picture I took from our terrace...We can see the Tower of David, which is just inside the Jaffa Gate and the wall of the Old City very well.  It's about a 10 minute walk to the Gate.

We arrived on Saturday morning after a long flight from Newark.  Saturday was a blur.  Yesterday, we went to the Old City and walked and walked and walked.  I got a few good photos which I'll try to post now...if it doesn't work this time, I'll get them in soon!
The Wailing Wall
Even in the Old City you can be in touch with WIFI!!

The Old City is a fascinating place.  Each quarter is different from the other, you hear different languages, the dress is different, the shops display different items.  We visited a ceramic shop that Denny frequented on his last trip out here 8 years ago and I found a great spice shop to buy all my fresh spices.  Then there was the quiet cafe near the Jaffa Gate for a "cafe ohleh" and some babaganoush.  MMMMM.

Today is sunny and breezy...going out for a walk after lunch. Need to explore the neighborhood.
Hi All

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Well, this blog won't officially begin, until we begin our adventure to Jerusalem!  It's looking like that may be Wednesday, March 14, 2012.  Check back then to see if there is news!  I hope to bring you all good pictures, good stories, and pictures of what I hope will be good artwork from the Holy Land!