Thursday, April 26, 2012


Our last day we went down to the center of Amman (Jebal Amman) to see the Citadel.
 The Hill of the Citadel (Jabal al-Qal'a) in the middle of Amman was occupied as early as the Neolithic period, and fortified during the Bronze Age (1800 BC). The ruins on the hill today are Roman through early Islamic.  Amman is the capital of Jordan, and has been occupied and ruled by many successive rulers.
Temple of Hercules

Ampitheatre seats 7000 people.  Was restored  and is used today.  

Overview of Amman

Front of Hercules' Temple


View of Amman

Looking down on center city Amman.  Look for the street in the middle of town.

 A few more shots of Hercules' Temple. 
Below is a picture of what they think it looked like in it's entirety.

Byzantine Church
 The next 4 photos are what's left of the Byzantine Church.


 The back of Hercules' temple.

Umayyad Governor's Palace
 The dome of the palace has been reconstructed. The entrance to the vestibule is the large semicircular archway below the dome.
Picture on the left is looking thru the archway and out the window on the back side, to a street in Amman.  

 These are all pictures overlooking Amman.  The density of the buildings is amazing. 
Look for the flag flying center left in this pic.  That is the entrance to King Abdullah's palace.  It goes off the edge of the picture on the right. 
Click on this picture so as to see the red roofed building.  That is the palace.  It would be off the edge of the picture above.

Now we are going to downtown Amman.  The street is crowded, lined with shops sellling everything imaginable.  You can buy your food fresh.  Turkey, rabbit, or duck anyone?

Please remember to click on the pictures to enlarge them....

Camera saga.  I got my new camera this week, but it's going back.  Don't know if I got a lemon, or I'm just so spoiled by my old camera, but I'm just not satisfied with the pics.  My cell phone did better than it has done.  So, we'll be back to the phone camera until I get something that suits me!  



  1. Looks like you can't stick a spade in the ground there without digging up some history, Becky. Great pictures!

  2. Boy, it really is 'dense' in there! These are such great pictures! Sorry about your camera! Cora
