Wednesday, January 23, 2013

ahhhhhhh, ISTANBUL!

I don't really know where to begin this post.  I CAN tell you that it's going to be split into parts!  I took 622 pictures!  Don't worry, you don't have to look at all of them! I think I'll just start with Day 1 and see where we go.

Istanbul, Turkey  A world metropolis because of it's geopolitical location, it's the only city in the world which is established on two continents!  Istanbul is established on both sides of the Bosphorus, which connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara and separates Asia and Europe.

We were a group of ten.  A short flight (2 hours) from Tel Aviv, we arrived in Istanbul about 8amThe ride into the center city along the Bosphorus,  with a drive thru of the fish market, was very pleasant.  

We found this to be a booming, vibrant, friendly, happy, helpful, and beautiful place!  

Our hotel the Neorion was exceptional.  The staff was excellent: pleasant, efficient, and very helpful.  I know it sounds like an advertisement, but I'd bet money that every person in our group would do an ad for them!  In fact, while we were there, TripAdvisor came out with a report that put our hotel in first place for Istanbul!  So, they had a celebratory party that night!  

Our 4 day vacation had begun!  

Denny and I walked up to Sultan Ahmet Square  to begin scouting out all the places we needed to see.  The weather was a bit nippy, and we took our brollies because the forecast was rain, but we got in a lot of walking and a nice lunch  before it really turned a bit nasty.  There was intense bargaining with the tour bus company to book an afternoon tour of the city...a good thing to do on a "first day" to get a good overview, especially if it's raining!

We hopped on the last tour of the day, so as we neared the end of it, the sun was setting

We could tell it was going to be impossible to see everything in which we were interested!  We were just going to have to start planning our return trip immediately!

A little shop around the corner from our hotel.  There are lots of these shops around town, where you get your Turkish Delight, baklava,  and any spice you might need for cooking. But today you need to buy your şemsiye! Because it's gonna rain.
Hagia Sophia is a Roman structure built in Byzantine times.  It was first built by Emporer Constantine as a wooden structure which burned.  It was then built by the Emporer Theodosius, and that structure was destroyed in a revolt in 532.  The third and present structure was built by Emporer Justinian.  It is an impressive building...massive and beautiful, both inside and out. to read more about this fascinating place.  It is so beautiful, everytime you see it, you MUST take a picture!  I have many, and will post the best.  We visited it on Day 2, so tomorrow, you will see the inside.  Breathtaking!

 Sultan Ahmet Square is made up of the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Obelisk, and the Hippodrome. If you stand in the area between the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque when it is time for the Call to Prayer, it is really cool.  First the Muezzin (the guy in the mineret who is singing) from the Hagia sings, then the Muezzin from the Blue Mosque sings a stanza, then it's back to the Hagia Sophia, then over to the Blue Mosque.  Kind of like Dueling Muezzins!!

Hot Coffee!!

  The Blue Mosque.  A working mosque..  Open to the public at times when there are no prayers happening.  Here are a few pictures, but there will be better pictures later on. We went inside on Day 3.  It is beautiful.  Today was such a dreary day, everything looks kinda blah.

Front of the mosque.  People coming for prayers.

There is a bazaar (Arasta Bazaar) beside the Blue Mosque that is wonderful.  More pictures of treasures tomorrow, but today, here are a few.

Ceramics in a store window.  I will have many photos of the beautiful ceramics.  They are spectacular.  Traditional designs incorporate tulips, carnations, and a vine with little flowers in it.  There is much blue and white, but bright colors are also frequently used.  Also, the "evil eye" is sometimes hidden in the designs.


A sewer cover!
 Because the weather was windy and rainy, we decided to jump on a bus tour.  We went back and forth over the bridges from Asia to Europe.  For me, the changing sky was wonderful for photographing.  Remember you can click on these pictures to see them better in a larger format.  Enjoy!

Back at Sultan Ahmet Square, it's dusk, the lights are on in the fountains and on the buildings. 


  1. These are just spectacular! What a treat! Maybe we can go back together some time; we talk about that often. Can't wait to hear what you ate! Thanks for sharing with all of us. Hugs, Cora
